that really is my middle name

that really is my middle name. really. really. really.

(This blog is in no way written by Devaun Sheppard. Just to make that clear. Devaun Sheppard doesn't write this blog. She is much too busy in COLLAGE!)

Monday, March 28, 2011

March MADDERness

I'm so sorry to all my faithful followers out there that I haven't been blogging near as much recently. I have just been UBER busy studying, and dancing, and all this march madness soccer going on is driving me bonkers. These girls in my classes kept talking about some guy named Jammer, and when I commented on how much I loved JLo's outfit on last weeks episode, they informed me they were talking basketball or something like that, and not American Idol. Bummer of the century.

But since I have been such a bad blogger, I thought I would update you with my year so far. I figured the best way of informing you as to my go abouts, I would blog about all the things I bought on Amazon this year. It is a pretty accurate summary of my life.
It was cold. And some lady sent me a stupid chain email letter thing-a-mabobber asking for recipes. Don't they know I don't cook? I sent her a cook book and apologized for not knowing how to forward an email.

It was also my friend Sid's birthday. So I bought him an Xbox Controller....

I did it. I bit the bullet. And bought the 9 to 5 Soundtracksies. So fun!

I also bought BrittAINy a gnome for her birthday.

I just couldn't help it! Gnomeo and Juliet came out and I saw it 3 times!!! SUCH a moving and inspiring movie. I had to buy the soundtrack. And pre-order my favorite TV show...

Last night I was feeling fat. So I bought these... Such a good Dealsies. Can hardly wait for them to come on WednesdaY!!! Yipee!!!
Ps. I paid 25% of their current cost. Teehee...

Hope everyone is having a good March Madness!!!! I know I am going mad. The other day our toilet plugged. So MAD. Then I tripped down the stairs. MADDER. And now, Sonic didn't give me easy ice at Happy Hour. I can see why they call this March Madness

Sunday, March 6, 2011


So, recently, I have been like REALLY busy with this whole college game. It is not fun at all. I mean, my teacher expects me to read books and then understand what they say!?!?! Can you believe that? Insane.

But I have found something to keep me busy. I have been making, and selling, completely adorable scarfs on ETSY. I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but my right arm is constantly getting cold. Its probably because I eat too much gluten or something, but I knew there HAS to be a way to solve this problem. So that is when I came up with this gem. GENIUS.

Nobody has bought one yet, but I'm hoping soon.

Another funny story. Ya'll know my friend doozerbopper right? (If not, visit We are besties) Well, the other day I was telling her about my friend on the men's volleyball team. Sure enough, when I finally read her blogsie, she had WRITTEN about him and how he was her favorite. Silly Girl.

Oh well. I hope everyone has a great spring break. I sure wish I was going on a booze cruise or something, but alas, BYU doesn't have a spring break. but it seems like Brandon Davies already had one of his own. Oopsie Daisies. Have a great week!!!!!

PS. To My Fans in Overton! HOLLAR!!!